My name is Carolina Rocha (aka Seema) and my journey towards health and wellness started when I was nine years old. I am an Architect in California with emphasis in multi-use residential buildings, I am also a Certified Health Coach, Professional Network Marketer, and a Multi-Million Entrepreneur. My passion for designing buildings and designing bodies started as a kid when my italian parents embraced the kitchen as the holy space of our house. I was born and raised in Argentina and have been an athlete my entire life. My whole family played competitive sports and our food was our fuel. Eating high vibratory foods to have the best physical performance has lead me to this journey today sharing my passion with you.

I was blessed to love cooking and have a great relationship with food. As an artist, I started to explore mixing superfoods, creating recipes, baking and working in the kitchen cooking for my massive family for the holidays. I have also taking cooking classes around the world and worked in many well known restaurants while going to college. I have always seen food as a healing tool and our bodies as a reflection of our eating habits. I am a believer that we have the power to transmit good energy "agapi" (unconditional love) to our dishes by the intentions we put into our food. That allows our food to restructure and act as a healing tool. We are all made of energy and therefore we require the consumption of energy in the form of food, air and water as a substance of good health.

Eating high energy foods help us reach higher consciousness and better connect with our higher source. When eating fresh organic fruits and vegetables off the tree (or our near farmers market) the vibrational energy benefit of the food is high and rich in nutrients from the SUN. To lift the energetic vibration of our food, I give thanks and bless all the food before it gets eaten, and even while preparing and cooking!! I also believe that is important to create an ambience of peacefulness when dealing with our bodies fuel. Think positive thoughts and pour our own agapi energy in everything that enters our bodies.  It is my pleasure and deep desire to share with the world all my knowledge and promote holistic health and proper eating habits with Sunlight Nutrition.

I am also the founder of 9x Design, Inc and Architecture and Art Corporation. I have worked with a number of award-winning architectural firms based in Los Angeles. I had the opportunity to work on a wide range of building typologies at a variety of scales. I approach design with an emphasis on the relationship between design, culture and society. I am passionate about the creation of buildings that engender meaning, identity, context and the environment. My professional approach addresses challenging issues of context, creating spaces that foster social interaction and collaboration.

As my passion for building expanded I build a multi-million corporation as a Professional Network Marketer and founded The Holistic Justice League. I founded a community based in a group of people that share our vision to change the world. We believe it starts with cleaning up our food system. It includes expanding financial opportunity through the free enterprise system. We are a group of mindful, heart-centered leaders uniting with the Purium platform to support the regeneration of people and planet. We are a diverse community of entrepreneurs, artists, parents and friends, who advocate and promote natural health with superfoods. We are inspired to create a positive shift in our world today, through organic nutrition, sustainable agriculture, and a holistic economy.

The philosophy that guides our culture is based on seeing the greatness in all beings, up-leveling ourselves as we grow our business, and supporting others to rise into their greatness. I am dedicated to raising up leaders in a world that so desperately needs powerful voices speaking their truth and providing resolutions to today’s prevalent issues.


Carolina Rocha, Founder CEO


Raising money to host lectures and bring health and awareness to our communities!
