How to Use Your Manifestation Power - Vision Board December 30th, 2018

How to Use Your Manifestation Power - Vision Board December 30th, 2018


How to Use Your Manifestation Power - Vision Board


Come join us this December 30th, 2018 at a beautiful apartment right across the ocean in Santa Monica Beach, CA @ 1pm. There will be free complementary organic homemade foods and superfoods to enjoy while we create magic.

We will create vision boards to set the intention of what we want to manifest on New Years!!

A vision board is a collage of visual images or words that represent the life you want to live. Quite literally, it is a tangible representation of the vision you have for yourself. We will be making them the old-school way with magazine cutouts =)

How the vision board works….

You know how when you get a new car, you see that particular make and model everywhere you go? That’s because you have put your attention on something specific, and are unconsciously scanning the world for items that match it. It’s not that those cars were never there; it’s simply that you never noticed them before.

So it makes sense then, that if you put your attention on the images in your vision board (e.g., pictures of your dream trip to Hawaii) that the energy of that thing will more likely be in your awareness (e.g., commercials for Hawaiian Airlines might keep popping up on your TV, or your job might unexpectedly send you there for a work project).

When you continue to give your attention to the things your want, you attract those things into your life. But be careful! The Universe responds with both the positive and the negative! If you look for reasons to support why you are having a terrible day (“I stubbed my toe, then spilled my coffee, then got stuck in traffic”), you’ll keep attracting annoyances to prove you right! Bottom line: The more you surround yourself with the things you want to experience, the more you’ll actually get to experience those things in your life—as so perfectly put in the adage: Energy goes where attention flows.

Come join our tribe!!

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